Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kirsten's 25 Random Things

1. My name is Kirsten (pronounced Kursten) but the traditional Swedish way to say it is Kyersten.

2. In 1st grade there was a Kirsten (that's me) a Kristen and a Kyrsten, I think my teacher went nuts trying to keep all us blonds straight.

3. I met my hubby Cy in the early 90's when I was in high school and he was done with college, we married in 2000 and have 2 beautiful kids.

4. I've appeared on channel 5, 9 and 11 and have been featured in both the Star Tribune and St. Paul Pioneer Press for various, but very special segments.

5. I want a tattoo, but will probably never get one. 

6. I DESPISE snakes, toy or real and freeze up at the thought of an encounter with one, toy or real, one day on accident.

7. I make goals for myself according to my age, so this year I have 34 things I'd like to try and do.

8. I've been to Guatemala and Mexico on missions trips.

9. The next missions trip I would like to take is to Africa.

10. I want to go skydiving this summer

11. I love to make cards for any and every occasion, I don't htink I've bought a card in 4 or 5 years.

12. The longest I've been all by myself on a trip is 36 hours.

13. I was born on Friday the 13th!

14 I love entering amature cooking contests.

15. I am comfortable when flip my pinky toe over the next biggest toe...I sit like that when I'm working, watching movies, driving the car (yes, I can do it in my shoes if I try) ect...my husband tries to undo my toe, but I just flip it right back, it drives him NUTS!

16. My paperwork is organized chaos, I never loose anything and can tell you which pile something is in.  

17. I wanted to be a professional ice skater when I was younger.

18. If I wasn't married with kids I think I would go into the world of entertainment - tv or radio something fun.

19. I was a teacher for 3 years and had the same class 2 of the 3 years.  The second time around my students really knew me, so my whole "play strict the first few weeks to lay down the law in the classroom" bit didn't work...even on the new students.

20. I lived in the same house for 32 years, we live 2 miles from it and my mom still lives there so it's fun to see my kids run around that yard now.

21. I love playing card games - Hearts and Nuts are my favorite, but we just learned a new one called 5 Crowns.

22. My favorite smell is a roast in the crock pot - reminds me of coming home after church growing up to a roast dinner.

23. I was a pastor's kid growing up, everyone knew me so when I wandered in the kitchen while the church ladies were preparing food for a wedding no one gave me a second thought...until I took a large swipe out of the front of the wedding cake...the brides mom wasn't too happy, the frosting was a special cream color and couldn't be matched before the reception....come on I was 4 or 5 years old, what kid that age wouldn't have done the same thing.

24. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Indian food, probably because when we adopted my brother (he was 2 months old) we attended a lot of Indian events and were usually the only white people there, but it was such a wonderful experience....oh that smell, I remember it like it was yesterday.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kari's 25 Random Things

1. I love reading other peoples 25 Random Things.......... but hate to think of my own. This goes along with email chains as well. SO will be like pulling teeth.

2. I am 1/2 Italian yet I think I am 100%.

3. I am the oldest of three biological sisters. I have a half brother. I also have 3 step sisters, and three step brothers.

4. I love to cook and try new recipes. I love when Scott and I can cook together.

5. I love to check my mailbox. I love when there is a letter and not just bills.

6. I have a subscription to Southern Living Magazine. When it comes it is a very happy day. I will read it in one sitting. I always start from the back.

7. Moving from Charlotte, North Carolina was one of the hardest events in my life. Yet, I knew that God was with us every step of the way. He has proven that to us time and time again.

8. I still miss the south,........... southern things......... southern food, manners.... and monograming.

9. I think that Chic if la chicken biscuits are the most amazing sinful breakfast treats.

10. I think that it's funny that the first boy I ever kissed at age 13 is on Face-book.

11. My sophomore year of college I went skydiving with Chauntelle. I hope my girls never do that.

12. I have never been across the "big pond". My dream is to go to Austria and Italy with Scott.

13. My dream job would be to be a professional organizer. I know that is really funny-!! But true.

14. I became a Christian when I was 5. Yet I did not learn to know Christ and have a relationship with him until after I had Madison. I was 28.

15. I love a good thunder and lightening storm. The bigger and louder, the better.

16. I would rather go to the OB/GYN, that to the dentist. Sorry Heather and Nada:)

17. My parents divorced when I was 9. I never remember them fighting ever.

18. I have become who I am by being surrounded my amazing friends.

19. I met Scott in a bar. I will forever be grateful to Jennifer and Bubba West. Thank you for Bubba being there at the right time with Scott and Jennifer for dragging me out. That night changed my life forever. I love my husband more than anything in the world.

20. I love being a wife to Scott and mother to Madison and Amelia.

21. Back in the day, I thought Donnie Osmond was the best thing since sliced bread. I once went to one of their concerts and he kissed my hand. I was all of 8. Didn't think I would ever wash my hands.

22. I have lived in 5 states. Georgia, Florida, South and North Carolina and Minnesota. I have lived in 18 houses/apartments/townhomes. I should have this moving thing down pat.

23. I went to a Women's College (Converse) my Freshman year college. I wen to classes in my PJs.

24. I think that the North Carolina Mountains are one of the most magical places on earth.

25. This was right up there with going to Dentis