Monday, August 4, 2008

It's A Start!

I'm trying.  Really, I am.  It's not easy, mind you.  But I'm trying.

You see, I am a bit of a slob.  There, I said it.  I'm a messy girl.  I don't like to put my clothes away - it's so much more convenient to just leave them right on the floor where you take them off.  I don't like to put my toothbrush in the drawer after I use it.  And I hardly ever, ever, make my bed. 

This used to drive my mother C-R-A-Z-Y!  She's a neat one, that Mrs. Lane.  Thanks to her efforts and tireless prodding, I KNOW how to clean.  I KNOW how to be neat.  And I actually quite enjoy a tidy house.  

My problem is that there are just a whole lot of other things I would rather spend my time on.  It doesn't take a whole lot of lobbying to tear me away from my daily chores.  "Mom, can you stop doing those dishes and come play Mario Kart Wii with me?"  "Hmmmmmm, I really shouldn't, sweet child of mine, but what the heck!"  Yeah, that happens to me ALOT.

Anyway, like I said, I am trying.  It occurs to me that my children will someday actually need to know how to make a bed.  And so the maternal instinct in me that wants to raise outstanding human beings has decided that its time to teach these kids how to clean up.  (Well, the maternal instinct plus that fact that my daughter stared at me with disbelief and said, "You mean some people actually make their beds EVERYDAY?!?!?")

So, I am enlisting my little helpers to assist me in the cleaning.  Yesterday Betty and Lucy cleaned the bathrooms while Charlie emptied the garbage.  They all picked up and dusted their rooms and then we all folded and put away laundry.  I had all the laundry baskets on my bed and the kids marched back and forth (probably 50 times) taking one or two things at a time and putting away their mounds of clothes.  I smiled the whole time.

I smiled because I really want to be a good mom.  And  I want to teach them to take care of themselves.  But mostly, I was so excited to have some help!  I think I've stumbled onto something revolutionary!  

And when we had all finished and I went to inspect their rooms, I had to laugh when I saw their drawers.  They look just like mine.


Kate Ketterling said...

Those drawers look like Hunter's!

You didn't realize that one day, all those babies would pay off, did you?!!

Nancy Holte said...

I love Lucy's comment! I ususally make my bed when I need a flat surface to fold the clothes on. And sometimes, I can fold clothes on a not-so-flat surface so then it doesn't matter.

Elizabeth Poch said...

Oh Kristie!!! Your other sparkling qualities more than make up for any cleaning abilities you might lack. And instilling character in your children is much more important than any dirty socks on their floor!

Unknown said...

I love your honesty ! enjoy your new found help while they are free. pretty soon they will be asking for the big bucks : )