Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our Sweet Lacey

I wanted to send an update on our dear friend Lacey who is battling cancer.  Here is her latest note:

Matt lost his job on Monday. It is silly really. He is a Veteran's Representative with the VFW. He helps veterans get their VA benefits and understand all the paperwork from the VA. Well, I guess his new boss just found out that he is not eligible to be a member of the VFW because he never actually set foot on foreign soil. There is a national rule that all Service Officers must be VFW members and so they had to let him go. His boss felt terrible, he tried everything he could to keep him and wrote him a really nice letter of recommendation but in the end he couldn't keep Matt. So it was a mad scramble on Monday and Tuesday trying to figure out where our money was going to come from but more importantly our INSURANCE! What a mess. I think I have it all settled out now but I was a crying wreck by last night.

THEN, last night I got some bad news from Mayo. I had started calling over there early this week because over our vacation last week I started to feel signs that my tumor is growing again. Well, if it is on the move I wanted to make sure that everything was set in place for the next step of my treatment. I got a call back at 4:40 Tuesday evening (of course, I was out and missed the call). The message was that there was a clinical study starting next week but the coordinator was only going to be in the office for another 20 minutes and wouldn't be back in till Monday. If I didn't make it into this study I would have to wait for the next one in a month or month and a half. WHAT!? Of course, it was after 5pm when I got home from the store. I tried to call anyway but the phone at Mayo just rang. My cancer is starting to push out on my chest. This baby can grow really fast when it wants to. I don't have a month and a half to wait for the next study. More crying.

This morning I talked to my doctor at Mayo (who called the coordinator on her cell on her vacation for me) and I am in. I will go down some time early next week to get started.

More good news. I have a couple of sweet girlfriends working on benefits for me. I wanted to get out some information on that. I will send out that information very soon.

Here is the info on the benefits.  If you have anything to donate - or can help in any way - please do!  And remember that we have all committed to pray for Lacey every morning at 9:05.  We believe that Jesus is her Healer!!!

Garage Sale

All proceeds going to Lacey’s medical needs

Given by Leesa Cachuela

9498 Hamlet Ave S

Cottage Grove, MN 55016

August 29th – 31st

Please stop by we will have lots of baby equipment, kid’s toys and clothes!

If you would like to donate any items to the sale or help out in any way call

Leesa at 651-768-3243

Benefit for Chambers Family

All proceeds going to Lacey’s medical needs

September 27th save the date!

More information to come.

If you would like to help out in any way call Dawn at

651-330-2511 or email

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's A Start!

I'm trying.  Really, I am.  It's not easy, mind you.  But I'm trying.

You see, I am a bit of a slob.  There, I said it.  I'm a messy girl.  I don't like to put my clothes away - it's so much more convenient to just leave them right on the floor where you take them off.  I don't like to put my toothbrush in the drawer after I use it.  And I hardly ever, ever, make my bed. 

This used to drive my mother C-R-A-Z-Y!  She's a neat one, that Mrs. Lane.  Thanks to her efforts and tireless prodding, I KNOW how to clean.  I KNOW how to be neat.  And I actually quite enjoy a tidy house.  

My problem is that there are just a whole lot of other things I would rather spend my time on.  It doesn't take a whole lot of lobbying to tear me away from my daily chores.  "Mom, can you stop doing those dishes and come play Mario Kart Wii with me?"  "Hmmmmmm, I really shouldn't, sweet child of mine, but what the heck!"  Yeah, that happens to me ALOT.

Anyway, like I said, I am trying.  It occurs to me that my children will someday actually need to know how to make a bed.  And so the maternal instinct in me that wants to raise outstanding human beings has decided that its time to teach these kids how to clean up.  (Well, the maternal instinct plus that fact that my daughter stared at me with disbelief and said, "You mean some people actually make their beds EVERYDAY?!?!?")

So, I am enlisting my little helpers to assist me in the cleaning.  Yesterday Betty and Lucy cleaned the bathrooms while Charlie emptied the garbage.  They all picked up and dusted their rooms and then we all folded and put away laundry.  I had all the laundry baskets on my bed and the kids marched back and forth (probably 50 times) taking one or two things at a time and putting away their mounds of clothes.  I smiled the whole time.

I smiled because I really want to be a good mom.  And  I want to teach them to take care of themselves.  But mostly, I was so excited to have some help!  I think I've stumbled onto something revolutionary!  

And when we had all finished and I went to inspect their rooms, I had to laugh when I saw their drawers.  They look just like mine.